I met New London Pharmacy‘s Wesley Rowell almost ten years ago, when the marketing master showed me the best in beauty this enchanting enclave had to offer and left with everything from Kevyn Aucoin must-haves to rare, European pharmacy gems. Pro tip: Most of what you love to stock up on abroad (Vichy deodorant, Embryolisse, Bioderma Micellar Water) is 100% available and on-shelf at New London Pharmacy. Jack of all trades Wesley is a delight (stop in and see him!) and has tons of knowledge to impart, so I’m thrilled to have him share his Five Rules For Life. Here they are, in his words.
1. What other people think of you is none of your business.
When I think of the people I most admire (Barack Obama. Madonna. Buddha. Oprah. Marianne Williamson. Jesus), the common trait they all share is literally (and my favorite word is literally literally) none of them give a damn whether you like or love or hate them or not. If you love them great. If not, great.
2. Do what’s in front of you.
Easier said than done. As simple as answering emails and texts in the order you receive them. Which is so no-brainer but sometimes feels like you’re giving yourself oral surgery. Literally. But the feeling of relief when you’re done omg…
3. You have a magic magnifying mind that has the power to change your life.
If I concentrate on all that is wrong in my life it magically magnifies, and if I concentrate on all the good the same is true. I have a choice every minute of every hour of every day. I know it doesn’t always feel that way but it’s 100% true.
4. What you resist persists.
Literally. Accepting that things are exactly what they are supposed to be in every moment may be the hardest spiritual exercise of all, but the moment of surrendering is the most freeing thing ever. The divine paradox.
5. Women are usually right.
Thanks, Wesley! Stay tuned for more Five Rules installments.
“Five Rules,” is a series on Rouge18 in which I ask others to share their five rules for life about anything and everything. You can learn a lot about a person by reading which five things govern their actions, no?