Recommended Reading: Maureen Dowd on Client No. 9

“If you’re a frugal governor who doesn’t even like paying his political consultant bills, as opposed to an Arab sheik or a Vegas high roller, do you really need to shell out $4,300, plus minibar expenses, to a shell company for two hours with a shady lady? Aren’t there cheaper hooker hook-ups on Craigslist? It makes you wonder how sharp Eliot Spitzer’s pencil was on the state’s fiscal discipline.”–Maureen Dowd

It’s been a while since I’ve LURVED a Maureen Dowd column. She’s always good, but sometimes, she needs a good scandal to really get into it. So when the Spitzer Saga hit the news, I was just WAITING for my gal Maureen to weigh in on this topic. In case you didn’t know, M Dowd won a pulitzer for her columns about the Clinton-Lewinsky situ. Read today’s column here.

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