I would never expect my gal Julia Coney, one of my blogging besties, to only choose ONE thing to feature in What’s On Her Vanity? This hilarious but ladylike southerner writes the fabulous All About The Pretty, a site about all things beautimous (hybrid of beautiful and glamourous; her word). Choosing one thing? That’s for everyone else. Julia wanted four things to feature, and here they are, in her words:
Aura Cacia Essential Lavender OilI’m not the best sleeper, but when I put a few drops on my temples and massage into my feet it’s better.
Natura Bisse Tensolift Hand Creme (Pictured at top left)
I am seriously addicted to this hand cream. I slather it every night and it’s luscious and divine.
Ralph Lauren Love Crystal Perfume
Philosophy Kiss Me Tonight
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