13 Tangible Self-Care Ideas

Self-care is a term that is tossed around pretty frequently, but we don’t often here tangible ways to engage in it. As such, I’ve compiled a list of suggestions.

  1. Take a bath/shower and use that new shower gel or bath bomb you just bought.
  2. Listen to music you know relaxes you or makes you feel energized. Consider designing a playlist or two specifically for self-care purposes.
  3. Watch or re-watch some feel-good TV shows or movies.
  4. Depending on your level of introversion/ extroversion, recharge by either taking time to be alone or spending some time with friends.
  5. Speaking of friends, a crucial way to practice self-care is to not be afraid to rid your life of friends who don’t encourage healthy behavior.
  6. Maintain a regular sleep schedule.
  7. Exercise to clear your mind.
  8. Practice aromatherapy by lighting a candle, burning incense, or using an aroma diffuser.
  9. Disengage from social media platforms, for a time, that breed anxiety and/or insecurity.
  10. Indulge in a guilt-free meal.
  11. Cuddle with a pet.
  12. Keep a journal of accomplishments (no matter how small) and make note of people in your life who care about you.
  13. Remind yourself self-care is not just for when you are feeling unwell, but also for when you want to do something extra for yourself.

Take care.


Obianuju Enworom

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