Honestly? Getting my nether regions lasered and no longer having to deal with monthly waxes has changed my lifestyle. Technician Jennifer Belser at Pulse Laser Skincare Center has become a veritable PAL of mine, thanks to her in-depth knowledge of skin care and makeup gems. Once in a while, I wonder if I’m screwed if the ’70s bush comes back in vogue–but then, aren’t we all?
So when I found out that Pulse is hosting a Friends & Family discount of $99 for three treatments of underarms (among others–read the full list of offerings here) I decided I needed to add pits and lower leg to my laser list, as well. When it comes to hair removal, in the (paraphrased) sage words of Jon Secada, I’m free/I’m free/Things [like shaving and waxing] are only as important as I want them to be.
Call 212.802.1439 for an appointment.