Happy 7th Blogiversary, BBJ!

Blogging from the air, en route to the Aria in Vegas

SEVEN years ago today, I created a blog from my cubicle at PricewaterhouseCoopers called Beauty Blogging Junkie. I chose a name totally arbitrarily, (truth be told, I loathe it) thinking no one would ever read this site and it would simply keep me from wanting to discuss C.O. Bigelow Tinted Mentha Lip Balms with male auditors when I traveled to anti money-laundering conferences. 

I’m writing this post on a plane to Las Vegas, where I’m headed for a press trip for MLife, a rewards program for MGM Hotels. If you’d told me seven years ago that this is what would be happening to me, I never would have even BELIEVED you. I’ve mentioned that before BBJ, I wrote a (very short-lived) TOTALLY NEGATIVE, sad blog about my life’s state of affairs. It was called Miss Celebutante and it was ridiculous. The name was incredibly stupid, but was based on a word that made sense in Paris Hilton-heavy 2005. I also inexplicably called it a beauty blog, but didn’t really mention beauty. #glamateur

After seven years, I’ve written over 5,200 BBJ blog posts. In the past year, BBJ has grown considerably and has offered me opportunities to write for more outlets, like Refinery29 and Gloss Daily (powered by Ladies’ Home Journal) in addition to my old standbys, StyleUnited, Elle.com, MTV Buzzworthy and Daily Glow. I’ve officially been a full-time freelancer for three years and it was the best decision I’ve made. In 2012, I also introduced two new BBJ columns, Five Rules for Life (featuring bloggers’ and industry insiders’ five rules by which they live) and Fictitious Fragrance Fan (where I assign a fictional television, book or movie character a scent I think they’d wear). I’ve journeyed to Brazil, Fort Lauderdale, Los Angeles, Boston and Vancouver to harvest sea kelp with La Mer. 

It’s been an incredible year and I’m so grateful to my smart, funny regular BBJ readers who are the reason I haven’t watched a television show since 2006 without my laptop out and on my lap.  I so appreciate your comments, insight and questions. But most of all, I love that you ALWAYS get the reference. You, my friends, are always right on top of that (Rose), and that’s why I adore you. 

Thank you for seven years of your readership and support. 


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7 Comments Happy 7th Blogiversary, BBJ!

  1. Betsey

    Happy blogieversary to you! Cheers to your 7 years of blogging! May you continue to inspire more people and may you share a lot of tips, advice and knowledge to each and every reader out there. Good luck!

  2. Carey Daoust

    Happy 7 years of blogging! I’m so glad that you get to inspire a lot of people and you get to share a lot of tips, advice and posting great reviews on different beauty products. More years to come! 🙂

  3. Yinyan

    I just noticed that you responded at 3 AM – GURLLLL…I left audit because I couldn’t function at those hours haha – what is your secret??

  4. Yinyan

    DC Metro – I was stuck in the office in the burbs’, never got to go to the downtown office, which I’ve heard is where all the hot finance guys were…

  5. Yinyan

    Happy Blogiversary!
    Would you believe that I found your blog 5+ years ago while sitting in a similar cube at PDubs? So glad we’ve moved on to better things – congrats!


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