Join The Special K #FightFatTalk Campaign

250xNx6C1B6BC3-90D2-DFFE-B99617A440861846.jpg.pagespeed.ic.CVfn-Kxz5Y“The language of cake: “Oh just a tiny slice!” “Please-the smallest slice you can cut.” “I’m being so bad!” “Or, a marvelous woman I met, who said: “‘I eat cake for breakfast. I know I’m going to want it all day anyway, so I’ll just start with it.” – Sark, Succulent Wild Woman

The holidays are fun, they’re sparkly, they’re celebratory and they’re also a time of  rationalizing bad food choices in the name of festivity. And then, in the cheerleading squad that is my life, the subject tends to turn to how “fat” our respective meals were, how much dessert or alcohol in which we partook and finally, how we all feel kind of like Jabba the Hut. I must have read 100 tweets about the prep my Twitter friends were doing to counteract the fatness they’d surely usher in during Thanksgiving a couple weeks ago. And while it’s certainly a good idea to up one’s fitness regimen a bit during times of the year when we tend to indulge, the actual negativity of it all was dismaying.

Fat Talk is contagious – and it’s weighing us down. Whether triggered by an unflattering Facebook photo or shopping for resortwear, the negative comments women make about their bodies and others’ can be a barrier to weight management success. Special K conducted a recent survey that showcased that 62% of women feel compelled to engage in Fat Talk about themselves when they hear other women doing so – and 63% said they don’t try to stop or change the conversation.

Perhaps it sounds a bit new-agey, but it’s been proven that positivity is key to weight management goals. So, as we strive to get back on track this New Year’s resolution season, Special K teamed up with smizing supermodel Tyra Banks to empower ladies to take a positive approach toward weight management.

I’m inviting you to help #FightFatTalk this New Year! How to do it? Just change the conversation when “the language of cake” begins by telling your friend she looks fantastic in her cashmere sweater. Or, by sharing the new workout you’re loving–because it makes you feel good, not necessarily because it makes you look good.

Have you had it with fat talk?

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