Five Rules For Life: Marie Denee Of The Curvy Fashionista

Today’s installment of Five Rules is all about the lovely Marie Denee, who writes The Curvy Fashionista. This gal knows a thing or two about Rachel Pally garments, major metallic accessories and boasts one of the best shoe collections I’ve seen–ever. Here, her Five Rules.

1. Always have stories for the grandkids. 
Since college, my best friend and I wanted to make sure that we lived life to its fullest, with no regrets. Some moments were hilarious and embarrassing, others were remarkable and monumental. Whenever something of note happened, we would always file these as stories for the grandchildren. Showing once upon a time, Grandma was “Cool.”

2. No regrets. 
I hate thinking what if? Maybe? I wonder…. I am a firm believer in that everything happens for a reason BUT I also feel that if we don’t take those chances walk that new road, we will never discover out true potential. Yes, we make mistakes but those have proven to be great life lessons that I cannot nor would want to take back!

3. Laugh often, especially at yourself. 
I do this often. Life at times can get quite serious, but for the most part, it is not. In order to get through the crazy times, sad times, embarrassing times, sometimes you just need to stop, and put things in perspective and laugh it off! It is all about perspective!

4. The cup is half-full.
If all you do is look at life as all the things that have gone wrong, then you are doing a disservice to your being! By changing the way you look at things life can get better and your situation doesn’t seem THAT life threatening. Life is too short and to get the best of it, you have to SEE the best of it!

5. Take time for you. 
Before you know it, 15 years have passed, your family is all grown up, and your life has passed you by. Sometimes stopping to literally smell the roses will do wonders for your happiness and well-being. It can be stealing away into a nice bubble bath or a weekend at a spa. Whatever your pleasure is, take the time to enjoy YOU. Your body will thank you later.

Thanks, Marie! Stay tuned for more Five Rules.

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